ダブルパンチ:My terrible week.
I had a terrible week last week.
My son threw up on his child safety seat in the car when we went home from the babysitter’s last Thursday. I pulled over and tried to clean the vomitus. I was too nervous and in a hurry, so I hit my head on the car door badly. He had a fever when we got home. We went to the doctor, and we waited for 2 hours. The doctor said it might be Norovirus. I wasn’t asleep all night. Because I needed to take his temperature every two hours. I took a day off on Friday to take care of him because I had so much work to do. In fact, we also planned a trip of two days and two nights in Maoli for Hakka Tomb Sweeping. I couldn’t let my son travel with 39.8℃ but my husband insisted that he had to go to Maoli. So, I took care of my son at home that two days. It was hard work. He didn’t feel well and he had nothing but water. He was in a very bad mood. I was exhausted. Finally he was doing fine on Sunday night before my husband came back.
上星期我承受了很大的壓力,週四,我們把小孩從保姆那載回來時,我兒子在車子兒童安全座椅上吐了,我趕緊停路邊清理他的嘔吐物,因我太慌張了,頭撞到車門撞得很大力。到家時兒子發燒,我帶去看醫生等了2個小時,醫生說可能是諾如病毒,我須要每二小時測一次體溫,整夜都沒有睡好。一堆事要做,於是我星期五請假沒上班照顧他。 事實上,我們之前安排好要回苗栗 “客家掃墓” 二天,但我不能讓發高燒 39.8℃ 的兒子跟著回去,但我老公堅持要回去,所以我留在家裡照顧我的兒子二天,很辛苦,因為他人很不舒服、心情又不好,除了水以外什麼都沒有吃。我筋疲力盡。還好我老公周日晚上回來之前,他人有比較好一點了。
Children Developmental Delay (幼兒發展遲緩)
幼兒發展里程碑, 圖片出處: https://kumc-ptrs-ebp.wikispaces.com/Diagnosing+motor+developmental+delay+in+children+under+6 |
As scheduled, I took him to another doctor to assess “developmental delay “on Tuesday afternoon. Yes, I took another day off again…My boss would kill me…. We went to the doctor who provided early intervention services. The assessment showed he wasn't reaching developmental milestones on time. For example, he couldn’t make/string thread beads, use scissors to cut a piece of paper, or draw a line on the paper. The doctor suggested that he take early intervention programs once a week from now on. I was upset and frustrated. I started to blame myself on this. I had words with my husband. He looked like “It’s not a big deal. Why are you so nervous?” He really pissed me off.
按照計劃,我這星期二下午帶他去看另一位醫生,評估他的 “發育遲緩”。 是的,我再次請假了一天..... (我的老闆會殺了我......) 我們去看 “幼兒發展遲緩早期干預” 的醫生,評估顯示我兒子沒有及時達到發展里程碑,例如,他不會串珠珠,使用剪刀剪紙,或者在紙上劃條線,醫生建議他必須從現在起每週一次去上一堂早期干預的課,我很難過和沮喪,開始責怪自己,但我跟我老公說這些,他一臉 “這不是什麼大不了的事。 你為什麼這麼緊張” ,他的態度讓我很不高興。
Anyway, I will take my son to attend the early intervention programs from next week. Hopefully, he can reach the milestones soon. In fact, I hesitated whether to take a day off from my English lesson because I didn’t study at all this week, not to mention doing the homework. I felt sorry and guilt. But I'm glad I still had it. I complained a lot of to my teacher and then I was in a better mood. Huang, I just want to say sorry and thank you.
無論如何,我會帶兒子從下星期開始去上早期干預的課。 我希望他能很快達到里程碑。
事實上,我很猶豫今天的英文課要不要請假,因為我這星期根本沒有看書,更不用說寫功課了,我感到抱歉和內疚。但我很高興我還是去上了課,跟老師抱怨很多,然後心情變好了。 黃老師,我只想說對不起,謝謝妳。
本文作者: Minami (上班族 中壢)
排版和中文翻譯:EET 小編 Ian
投稿&發布日期: 107年3月30日
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