許多人不知人生目標為何,有些人說目標永遠做不到,有些人因為遇到困難而直接放棄。紅遍美國和許多國家的超知名勵志演說家厄爾 • 南丁格爾 (Earl Nightingale) 強調:
達到成功的人口比例是 5%,也就是說,每100人中會過好的生活(達到成功) 的只有5人,成功的定義是一個持續不斷的實現有價值的理想的過程,知道自己的目標和方向,並持續去達成,就是成功者。
提到「成功」的最大障礙因子,就是來自人在追尋成功的過程中所必須面對的內心障礙了,南丁格爾在『憂慮的迷霧 』(Fog of Worry) /一份權威性的評估調查 (the Bureau of Standards) 指出哪些事令人們最憂慮,而這些事裡,只有 8%真正值得人們憂慮,也就是說....人們生活中有 92% 擔心的事,都是多慮的!
Things that never happen: 40 percent. That is, 40 percent of the things you worry about will never occur anyway.
有 40% 是永遠不會發生的
Things over and past that can’t be changed by all the worry in the world: 30 percent.
有 30% 是不會因你的擔心而改變
Needless worries about our health: 12 percent.
有12% 是對自己健康的無謂擔憂
Petty, miscellaneous worries: 10 percent.
有10% 是瑣碎雜項的擔憂事
Real, legitimate worries: 8 percent.
只有 8% 是才是你真實需要擔憂的
Only 8 percent of your worries are worth concerning yourself about. Ninety-two percent are pure fog with no substance at all.
你的擔憂中只有 8% 值得你為自己擔心。
92% 是純粹的霧,根本沒有任何物質。
💢人一生中有 92%的憂慮,都不過在浪費時間!
一個公認的事實是,隨著年齡的增長,我們的擔憂會減少。隨著歲月的流逝和每個人產生的問題,我們了解到,我們的大多數擔憂並不值得操心太多,而我們能設法解決所面臨到重要的問題。 但對於年輕人來說,他們常常發現自己的生活被憂慮的迷霧所掩蓋。
It’s a well-established fact that as we get older, we worry less. With the passing of the years and the problems each of them yields, we learn that most of our worries are not really worth bothering ourselves about too much and that we can manage to solve the important ones.
But to younger people, they often find their lives obscured by the fog of worry. Yet, here’s an authoritative estimate of what most people worry about.
Things that never happen: 40 percent. That is, 40 percent of the things you worry about will never occur anyway.
有 40% 是永遠不會發生的
Things over and past that can’t be changed by all the worry in the world: 30 percent.
有 30% 是不會因你的擔心而改變
Needless worries about our health: 12 percent.
有12% 是對自己健康的無謂擔憂
Petty, miscellaneous worries: 10 percent.
有10% 是瑣碎雜項的擔憂事
Real, legitimate worries: 8 percent.
只有 8% 是才是你真實需要擔憂的
Only 8 percent of your worries are worth concerning yourself about. Ninety-two percent are pure fog with no substance at all.
你的擔憂中只有 8% 值得你為自己擔心。
92% 是純粹的霧,根本沒有任何物質。
💢人一生中有 92%的憂慮,都不過在浪費時間!
一個公認的事實是,隨著年齡的增長,我們的擔憂會減少。隨著歲月的流逝和每個人產生的問題,我們了解到,我們的大多數擔憂並不值得操心太多,而我們能設法解決所面臨到重要的問題。 但對於年輕人來說,他們常常發現自己的生活被憂慮的迷霧所掩蓋。
It’s a well-established fact that as we get older, we worry less. With the passing of the years and the problems each of them yields, we learn that most of our worries are not really worth bothering ourselves about too much and that we can manage to solve the important ones.
But to younger people, they often find their lives obscured by the fog of worry. Yet, here’s an authoritative estimate of what most people worry about.
閱讀每一位大師的著作,是我們可以超越自己視野的一次機會! 💪
It doesn't matter how slowly you go, as long as you don't stop.
It doesn't matter how slowly you go, as long as you don't stop.
(成功來自於克服心中無謂的恐懼 全文完 )
南丁格爾 的著作
成功的要素 (The Essence of Success)
成功的要素 (The Essence of Success)
厄爾·南丁格爾(Earl Nightingale)
EET 睿騏英語 成人英文家教 黃老師
EET 睿騏英語 成人英文家教 黃老師
- The Fog of Worry (Only 8% of Worries are Worth It)
https://www.nightingale.com/articles/the-fog-of-worry-only-8-of-worries-are-worth-it/ - 維基百科
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